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Переведите 7 класс У меня есть лучший друг Джон. Он о веселый и общительный. Он очень умный и хорошо учиться. мне не нравится то что он иногда упрямый и не терпиливый. Он очень хороший человек.

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I have a best friend John. He's funny and sociable. He is very smart and good at studying. I do not like the fact that he is sometimes stubborn and not patient. He is a very good person.

I have a best friend John. He is cheerful and outgoing. He is very smart and good at studying. I don't like the fact that he is sometimes stubborn and not patient. He is a very good person.

Kazakhstan is a country with many beautiful, wild animals. One of them is the snow leopard. Snow leopards are amazing animals with white fur and black and grey 1) spots. They live in the 2) mountains and in the forests of Kazakhstan. In the past, people hunted them for their 3) fur or cut down the 4) trees so they didn't have a home. But today, the people in Kazakhstan are protecting the snow leopard and its home! That is fantastic!

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