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6 You are 5 Fillin: 'm, 's, 're, isn't, aren't. pen ersonal Dear Anya, Hil How are your 1 1)... line 12)... at my new schooll It 3. great but it 4) very ble. I like my classmates. They 5) ... Very friendly | 6)... in class 3B. This year I'm dolna maths, history and geography, The loosona 7)... very difficult so I have a lot of free time. My favourite subject 8) . mathe, My maths teacher 9)... very nicel What about your school this year? Love, Wendy 1 C 3 6 Complete as in the example, 1 A: Is it a classroom? B: No, it isn't. It's a school,

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Ответы на вопрос:

6 You are 5 Fillin: 'm, 's, 're, isn't, aren't. pen ersonal Dear Anya, Hil How are your' s line is at my new schooll It 3. great but it is. very ble. I like my classmates. They are Very friendly | m in class 3B. This year I'm dolna maths, history and geography, The loosona isn t very difficult so I have a lot of free time. My favourite subject is . mathe, My maths teacher is very nicel What about your school this year? Love, Wendy 1 C 3 6 Complete as in the example, 1 A: Is it a classroom? B: No, it isn't. It's a school,

Мой любимый жанр – роман. я также люблю читать произведения известных и зарубежных авторов, которые сейчас считаются классикой. например, в соответствии с нашей школьной программой, мы должны были читать "отцы и дети" тургенева и "преступление и наказание» достоевского. мне действительно понравились обе книги. my favourite genre is a novel. i also enjoy reading the works of famous russian and foreign authors, which are now considered to be classics. for example, according to our school program we had to read “fathers and sons” by turgenev and “crime and punishment” by dostoevsky. i truly enjoyed both of them.

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