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Too, too much, too many, enough, not enough 5 Order the words to make sentences.
of /is /can/ expensive/that/too/ drink
That can of drink.is too expensive.
1)got/ food / drink/and/enough/ we've
2) throw/people/too/away/rubbish/much
3) bags/waste/too/you/many/ plastic
4)enough/ Jack/drink/doesn't/water
5) that/is/coffee/enough/hot/?
6) shopping/big/ isn't/bag/this/enough​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) we've got enough food and drink

2) people throw away too much rubbish

3)you waste too many plastic bags

4)Jack doesnt drink enough water

5)is that coffe oht enough

6)isn't this shopping bag big enough

1) We have got enough food and drinks

2) People throw away too much rubbish

3) You waste too many plastic bags

4) Jack doesn't drink enough water

5) Is that coffee hot enough?

6) This shopping bag isn't big enough

1. 1. these are long letters. 2. those are green pencils. 3. what colour are these sofas? 4. what are your friends' names? 5. we are students from russia. 6. what are those women's jobs? 7. where are the children now? 8. those sofas are green. 9. here are the businessmen's offers. 2.  1. translate it into russia. 2. answer them, please. 3. give him the offer, please. 4. he doesn’t know them. 5. ask him to send it to the firm. 6. show us the new model.3.  1. at the lessons their teacher asks them a lot of questions and the students answer them. 2. we have a children’s room. its windows are large and it is very light. our children like their room. 3. petrov is our student. i know him well. his english is good and i speak only english to him. he helps us  a lot. 4.  1. do these engineers work at the ministry of foreign trade? these engineers do not work at the  ministry of foreign trade. 2. has he got a good job? he hasn't got a good job. 3. has she breakfast early in the morning? she hasn't breakfast early in the morning. 4. does  jane go to the institute every day? jane doesn't  go to the institute every day. 5. are there cables and telexes on the desk? there are no  cables and telexes on the desk. 5. 1. лондон - столица великобритании. он лежит на северо-западе на обоих берегах реки темзы. лондон один из самых больших городов и самый большой порт и индустриальный центр . лондону более 20 веков. 2. сердце столицы - сити. территория сити всего лишь около одной квадратной мили, но это финансовый и деловой центр страны. там находятся почти все важные банки и офисы. 3. западная часть лондона знаменита своими прекрасными памятниками и дворцами, красивыми парками, фешенебельными (модными) магазинами и большими отелями. восточная часть совершенно отличается от западной части. это район фабрик, заводов и доков. узкие улицы и бедные дома восточной части представляют контраст жилью богатых людей западной части. 6. лондонский тауэр одно из интереснейших мест в лондоне. он был крепостью, королевской резиденцией, тюрьмой, сейчас это музей. 7. лондон знаменит своими зелеными парками. гайд парк наиболее популярен среди них. он также является самым большим парком лондона. 6. подчеркнутых слов не вижу, поэтому вопросы задать не могу. 7.  1 are there many or few  places of interest in london? there are many place of interest in london, aren't there? 2 does  london contain the memorials of many famous people or animals? london contains the memorials of many famous people, doesn't it? 8. the largest cities, the largest port, (в 4 абзаце пропущено прилагательное после слова the most), the most interesting places, the most popular park, the greatest park, the best museums. 9. если там три колонки слов, то первая и вторая прилагательные, а третья существительные. cultur al - culture beautif ul - beauty reside nce - reside industri al - industry fashion able -  fashion govern ment - govern financi al - finance differ ent - differ collec tion -  collect fam ous - fame price less - price paint ing -  paint build ing - build 10. в 3 и 5 абзацах слово house существительные, а в 8 это глагол

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