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7. На прямой а от точки А в одном направлении отложены два отрезка ABн АС (АС>АВ). От точки С на этой прямой отложите такой отрезок CE, чтобы АС-ВЕ. Что можете сказать одлине отрезка CE?​

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4,8(80 оценок)

My favourite sport is cycling. i have a good mountain bike and ride it mostly in summer and sometimes in spring and autumn. i like cycling because it gives me freedom. i like to explore new places. i ride across the fields and in the forest. cycling develops allmy muscles and lungs. i ride my bike nearly every day on holidays when the weather is fine. i hope to ride longer distances this year. i advise everyone to buy a bicycle and ride it as much as possible. you will never regret it! (про велоспорт)

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