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3. Complete each sentence by choosing from the following devices: touch screen, trackball, touchpad, webcam.

1. Ais a stationary device that works like a mouse turned upside down.

You roll the ball with your hand to move the pointer on the screen.

2. Interactive.

..areused in museums, information centers and Internet

3. A

kiosks. You use your finger to point directly to objects on the screen. is used to send live video images via the Internet.

4. A ..is found on notebook PCs. You use it by pressing the sensitive pad

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4,5(20 оценок)

1111111  ₂ = 127  ₁₀ у деда мороза 127 подарков 2⁴ = 16   (число месяца  несет 4 бита информации) номер месяца может нести 1 бит информации, например 0 - текущий месяц 1 - следующий месяц итого: 4 + 1 = 5 бит

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