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: Use the correct form of the verb "to be" 1. We ___ from Saint-Petersburg State University for Waterway Communications
2. I ___ in Cenberra last spring
3. She ___ fond of dancing
4. He ___ a student of IT department
5. Who ___ those boys?
6. ___ he out new English teacher?
7. These girls ___ from France, they ___ the United States
8. My friends ___ very nice
9. How ___ you?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. are

2. is

3. is

4. is

5. are

6. is

7. is

8. are

9. are

Цунами-стихийное бедствие. оно уничтожает дома, города и уносит тысячи жизней. когда вода отливает от пляжей люди бросаются собирать ракушки, хотя на самом деле нужно убегать как можно дальше потому что скоро на это место обрушится гигантская волна и смоет все на своем пути. tsunami   is very terrible  . it destroys the homes of the city and takes thousands of lives. when water pours from the beaches, people rush to collect shells, but actually have to run as far as possible so that very soon this place will fall a giant wave and washed away everything in its path.

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