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For each gap, fill in the text with one of the following words: also, as, at, because, being, by, despite, for, had, having, off, of, on, since, so, that, to, was, which or would. Use each word only once. Cape Wrath is a cape in Sutherland, Highland, in northern Scotland. In the old days, Vikingsoften turn their ships for home at Cape Wrath. It is one of only two places prefixed with the name "Cape" in Great Britain, the otherCape Cornwall in Cornwall. From the south, the only route to the Cape isfoot. The more common approach istaking a passenger ferry from Keoldale and then walking, cycling or taking a minibus for the journeyaround 11 miles to the lighthouse, which takes the visitor through a virtually uninhabited region, used by the Royal Air Forcetravel to the Cape is restrictedcertain times of year. Cape Wrath is also the turning point for the Cape Wrath Marathonis billed as the "Toughest Marathon in the UK" dueits extremely difficult terrain. The final leg of the race is run from the ferry dock and finishes at Durness Community Centre. The marathon is held each yearthe final event in a week of races and challenges billed as "The Cape Wrath Challenges".

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an unexpected finding

my friend and i were in the forest near the camping site. while the others were preparing supper we were exploring the area. soon we came to some bushes and saw a cave behind them. we walked into the cave. it was big and dark. then my friend noticed something in the far corner. it was a piece of paper. we found treasure map.first we wanted to return to the campsite and tell everybody. but then we decided go and look for treasure. we reached the spot where the treasure was. my friend began to dig with his knife. i helped him. soon we found an old box with jewellery in it. it was very heavy. we took it to our friends. when we took it to police, they were happy. because it was a lost jewellery. one old man had lost it many years ago. they returned it to the pwner, and we got 300$ reward. we were very happy aand proud .

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