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Answer the questions 1)What did the travellers ask?
2)Why were the travellers disappointed?
3)What did the man put in the pot?
4)What did the woman put in the pot?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The travellers asked villagers for some food

2. Because the villagers didn't trust the travellers and they didn't want to share their food.

3. A small bunch of fresh herbs.

4. Some meat.

My  room  is  quite  (  имелось  в  виду "  довольно  ",  да?   "  big. there  is  a  bed  in  my  bedroom.  it white,  comfortable  and  big.  there  are  a  lot  of  books  and  magazines,  because i like read their. they are stand on the bookshelf by the bed. there is a window in my room. there is a writing desk with computer nearly ( имеется в виду " около "? ) the window.  there  are  hand  posters,  photos  and  calendar.  вроде  так,  про  a  lot  и  a  lot  of-и  так  и  так  можно.  there  is/are  не знаю,  меня  учили  его  в  начало  ставить: )  можно  написать  в  конце,  что  у  меня  классная  комната: )

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