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Вставьте пропущенные слова my room isn't very big, but l love it! There ... is a bed next to the door and a small wardrobe. Under the bed there ... some football boots and my favorite ball. There ... two Igor Akinfeev posters on the wall and there ... a small table next to my bed. On the table there ... some books and a sandwich. There ... an alarm clock too​

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My room isn't very big, but l love it! There is a bed next to the door and a small wardrobe. Under the bed there are some football boots and my favorite ball. There are two Igor Akinfeev posters on the wall and there is a small table next to my bed. On the table there are some books and a sandwich. There is an alarm clock too

There is a bed next to ...

... there are some football boots ...

There are two Igor Akinfeev ...

... there is small table ...

... there are some books ...

There is an alarm clock ...

This is a family                                          let's count them and see,          how many there are, and who they can be. this is the mother who loves everyone. and this is the father who is lots of fun. this is my sister she helps and she plays, and this is the baby he's growing each day. это семья давайте их сосчитаем и посмотрим, сколько их, и кто они. это мама, которая всех любит. а это папа, с которым весело. это моя сестра, она и играет со мной, а это малыш, он растет каждый день. помню еще в детстве учили этот стих, же времена : )

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