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Writing. Fill in the gaps with the words in from the boxes. Write them in the sentences. 1) Kangaroo live in Australia, do not in Kazakhstan. 2) They live in Australia Indinesia 3) They Can Use Their Tail a Fifth Leg. And As But​

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1) Kangaroo live in Australia, but do not in Kazakhstan.

2) They live in Australia and Indinesia.

3) They Can Use Their Tail as a Fifth Leg.

One day i was walking by a park and noticed an interesting picture of a squirrel sitting on the tree and next to a cat and they are cute as if talking to each other. i remember this moment from the life. по : однажды я прогуливался по парку и заметил интересную картину: сидит белочка на дереве а рядом кот и они мило как-бы переговариваются между собой. мне запомнился этот момент из жизни.:

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