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А Magda is my neighbour. We are the same age, but we don't go to school together. 1 She wears it in a ponytail or a bun. She usually dresses in colourful clothes. 2 She attends the Primary Ballet School. 3 My neighbour is also my best friend and we like spending time together. 4 She is rather short and very slim. Her eyes are green and her hair is brown. 5 You know it when you see her walk like a ballet dancer. We share secrets and she has never let me down.​

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А Магда - моя соседка. Мы одного возраста, но в школу не ходим. 1 Она носит его в хвосте или пучке. Обычно она одевается в яркую одежду. 2 Она ходит в начальную хореографическую школу. 3 Мой сосед также мой лучший друг, и нам нравится проводить время вместе. 4 Она невысокого роста и очень худая. Ее глаза зеленые, а волосы каштановые. 5 Вы понимаете это, когда видите, что она ходит, как балерина. Мы делимся секретами, и она меня ни разу не подводила.


А Magda is my neighbour.

She is rather short and very slim. Her eyes are green and her hair is brown. She wears it in a ponytail or a bun. She usually dresses in colourful clothes. We are the same age, but we don't go to school together. She attends the Primary Ballet School. You know it when you see her walk like a ballet dancer.

My neighbour is also my best friend and we like spending time together. We share secrets and she has never let me down.



Affirmative: was/were + present participle (verb + ing)

Negative: wasn’t/weren’t + present participle (verb + ing)


Past continuous is used to say that an action was in progress at a particular time in the past. The action had already started at this time but had not finished.

I was having dinner at 6pm last night.

What were you doing this time yesterday?

Past continuous is used to say that an action was in progress at every moment during a period of time.

You were working all morning, weren’t you?

I was playing football all day yesterday.

Past continuous is used with past simple. Past continuous refers to a longer or background action that was in progress; past simple refers to a shorter action that interrupted the longer action, or happened in the middle of it.

He was walking to work when he met John.

She was eating when the phone rang.

While I was working in the garden, I heard a woman scream.

Past continuous is used to say that an action in the past was temporary.

You were working in the Sales Department last month, weren’t you?

They were living in Paris for a year.

Past continuous is used with words such as always to talk about things that happened repeatedly.

Grandpa was always telling us funny stories about his life and cracking jokes.

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