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Hester ran and won the race. (good)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Better&[email protected],@/@4&,&/@;99.929;9,

1)  he saw this film yesterday

общий    did he see this film yesterday?

альтернативный  did he see this film yesterday or 5 days ago?

  специальный    when did he see this film?

разделительный    he saw this film yesterday, didn*t he?

  вопрос к подлежащему  who saw this film yesterday? .

2)  i will go to school tomorrow

общий  will  i  go to school tomorrow?

альтернативный    will i  go to school or to the cinema tomorrow?

специальный  where will i  go tomorrow?

  разделительный    i will go to school tomorrow, won*t i?

  вопрос к подлежащему  who  will go to school tomorrow? .


3)  we are reading an interesting book now

общий  are we  reading an interesting book now?

альтернативный  are we reading an interesting book  or a magazine now?

специальный  what  are we reading now?

разделительный  we are reading an interesting book now, aren*t we?

  вопрос к подлежащему  who is reading an interesting book now?

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