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A. Find adjectives in the text that mean the same as these words. I outgoing. 4 attractive

2 clever 5 introverted

3 artistic 6 strong-minded

b. Use the adjectives from the text to complete the sentences.

1) He was very ___ and loved to paint pictures and make up stories .

2) I don't like parties with lots of people because I'm quite ___ .

3) She passed all her exams without revising. She's really ___ .

4) My uncle Billy is very ___ . He loves meeting my friend.

5) Erica is quite a ___ person and she knows exactly what she wants in life.

6) Helen is very ___ , with long blonde hair and blue eyes.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. artistic.

2. introverted.

3. clever.

4. outgoing.

5. strong-minded.

6. attractive.


Вроде бы.

Seva wasn't at the party last night. were larissa and olga at the library 2 days ago? nina was at the sports centre yesterday. was sonya at the post office last week? anton and dima weren't in the park yesterday. the children were in london last year.

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