Есть ответ 👍

I1. I’m looking for my keys. Has … seen them?
A) somebody B) anything
C) everybody D) anybody
2. She said … but I didn’t hear her.
A) some B) any C) something D) anything
3. Can you lend me … money?
A) every B) any C) some D) not
4. There are … any good hotels in this town.
A) no B) none C) not D) –
5. … needs friends.
A) All B) Everybody
C) Everything D) None people
6. Every house in the street … the same.
A) are B) is C) does D) do
7. Have you read … these books?
A) any B) some C) every D) any of
8. … people want to be happy.
A) most of B) every C) all of D) most
9. … of my friends … clever. They are both silly.
A) None/is B) Both/is
C) Neither/is D) All/are
10. - Do you know Ann and Tim?
- No, I don’t know them …
A) none B) all C) neither D) either
11. - Do you work or are you a student?
- …, I’ve got a job but I study too.
A) None B) Neither C) All D) Both
12. I haven’t read … these books.
A) neither of B) either of
C) much of D) some
13. I’ve got … books and I read …
A) a lot of/a lot of B) a lot/a lot
C) a lot of/a lot D) a lot /a lot of
14. - Are you going out alone?
- No, I’m going with … friends.
A) a little B) few C) a few D) any
15. I can’t decide now. I need … time to think about it.
A) few B) a few C) little D) a little
16. I opened the door …
A) slow B) slower C) slowly D) slowest
17. Her English is very …
A) good B) well C) badly D) quickly
18. Why are you …?
A) angry B) more angry
C) angrily D) more angrily
19. I’m sad and lonely. I’ve got … friends.
A) a few B) few C) a little D) little
20. - Is your friend English or American?
- …, She is Australian.
A) None B) Both C) Either D) Neither​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1A 2C 3C 4C 5B 6B 7D 8C 9A 10C 11D 12A 13C 14B 15D 16C 17A 18A 19B 20D


1 d

2 c

3 c

4 b

5 b

6 b

7 d

8 d

9 c

10 d

11 d

12 b

13 c

14 c

15 d

16 c

17 a

18 a

19 b

20 d


могут быть ошибки

In a dark dark town  on a dark dark street  in a dark dark house  lived most feared man  who practiced black magic  came to him, a white man and says,  predict what will happen to me in the future  and he began to speak and not run away does not go far  you will find features and will torture you  white man laughed and said, you are not afraid of me go better

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