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About the SIDIY 8 • What do you think houses Read the story in the 5 Read the summary. Then find and correct five mistakes. again and tick in Lilly, Liam ond DOSY OUOO leave Jake's house billy, Liam ond Doisy heid Summary living room Lily Daisy and Liam are in the scenen Lily and Daisy are reading some books and Liam is sending a text message to Jake, but he isn't answering. Then Liam gives Jake a ring at school Jake puts Liam on speaker phone, but Liam hears a lot of noise. The children go to Liams house to see what's wrong. Jake is playing an instrument but he's not very good at it. Daisy Thinks that playing chess is a good hobby tool clean uo c Joke sends Doisyote message d Joke puts Lom ons onone​ 4 класс упр 5 страница 6 активити бук

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When a detective came into the room he saw very few furniture in it. he looked around. there were two windows in the room.one of them looked on to the street. in one corner of the room there were two chairs and a table. in another corner ther was a small trunk.he came up and opened it.there was nothing inside accepting a bundle of letters. there were about fifty letters. it was clear that they formed the possession of the former tenant. no doubt these letters were precious to him.they were neatly tied by a ribbon. among these letters there were some papers and bills from different shops. there was something strange that there were some papers among private letters.

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