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When Then the last Pyrenean ibexe died, the species became extinct. But scientists had already taken DNA samples from this wild mountain goat. Using these samples and a domestic goat's eggs, they were able to bring the Pyrenean ibex back to life. Even though the clone lived for only seven minutes, some scientists claim that advanced techniques could now be used to clone dinosaurs and create a real-life 'Jurassic Park'! Could a T. rex really walk the Earth again? Well , dinosaurs were roaming the Earth over 65 million years ago and dinosaur DNA doesn't last that long. 1 Jack Homer, a world famous palaeontologist at lontana State University, disagrees In 2003, Jack and his team made an amazing breakthrough While excavating the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex in Montana, its thigh bone broke in two. Back at the university, one of Jack's students was running tests on the bone when she found organic material. 2 Jack and his team must have been amazed because it suggested that DNA lasts a bt longer than originally believed So does this mean that we will be sharing Earth with cloned Trexes in the future? Jack believes it's possible, but a complete genetic map of dinosaur would have to be worked out first and that might take decades. 3 Most scientists believe that birds are distant relatives of certain types of dinosaur and have some​

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