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Подпись родителе. Melephere
zogvony xz.

In the picture,
Jane's hair is as short as it is in the photo.
Jane's sister is not as slim as she is in the photo.
Jane's mother isn't as beautiful as she is in the photo.
the mother's hair is much shorter than it is in the photo.
Kate is less attractive than she looks in the photo.
Jane's father is a bit older than he is in the photo.
Jane's father is much more handsome than he is in the photo.​

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1. Whose is this bag? My sister’s.

2. Where are the children? At school.

3. When is Paul coming back? Tomorrow.

4. How does he drive? Very dangerously.

5. Who is that woman? Mary Smith.

6. When do you finish work? At four o’clock.

7. How often do they buy a newspaper? Every day.

8. What is her name? Catherine.

9. What city do you like best? Rome or Milan?

10. How long have you been a teacher? Since 1997.

11. What is your name? John.

12. Which shirt do you want? The blue one, please.

13. What is your favourite colour? Red.

14. Where are you from? Poland.

15. What time do you usually go to bed? At ten.

16. Why are you crying? Because I’ve hurt my finger.

17. Whose are those books over there? Paul’s.

18. Who is your best friend? Mary.

19. Where did you go on holiday last year?

20. When are you leaving? Tomorrow.

21. Who is that man over there? My dad.

22. What are you going to cook for dinner? Roast beef.

23. Why do you want to leave? Because I’m bored.

24. Who is Mr Smith? Our science

1)if you _ go after_ something, you try to get it, catch it, or hit it.

2)he forgot his hat at my house. he will _go back_ tomorrow.

3)if you _go on_ to do something, you do it after you have done something else.

4)maybe you need to _go away_ for a weekend with her.

5)we will _go in_ and i’ll get my bag.

6)if the alarm bells _goes off_, it makes a sudden loud noise.

7)we usually _go out_ to the cinema every saturday.

8)we need to _go over_ this document once again.

9)don’t _go against_ your parents. they want the best for you.

10)me and my mom _go through_ all the old photos every year.

11)why does it smell so bad in the kitchen? did the meat _go bad_ ?

1)you should _get to_ your homework!

2)i like my classmates because it’s easy to _get along_ with them

3)it is difficult to steal something and just _get away_ with it.

4)the university will take your documents and will _get back_ to you

5)hey! i came to pick you up, _get on_ the car.

6)_get off_ that bench! i’ve just painted it

7)did you call tracy? i cannot _get through _ her

8)_get rid_ of this trash. it smells horrible.

9)if you will not _get_ yourself _together_ they will make us leave this place

1)you can _take_ these shirts _away_ . they are small for me.

2)jess can _take along_ a few of her friends.

3)i’m sorry, i’ll _take_ my words _back_.

4) each person should _take on_ responsibility for their actions.

5)do you _ take off_ your earrings every evening?

6)he is brave enough to _take over_ any business.

7)the table and chairs _take up_ too much space. i’ll sell it.

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