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6. I told my sister that George ... me a long letter. a) writes b) write c) has written d) had written 7. My friend asked me ... for him outside the cinema. a) to wait b) wait c) waited d) is waiting 8. Mary asked Richard where he ... for his holiday that summer. a) was going b) is going c) goes d) to go 9. He asked if they ... what I had said to them. a) understand b) understood c) have understood d) had understood 10. I insist on the decision ... immediately. a) being taken b) taken c) is taken d) to take 11. The girl ... a book is my sister. to read b) reads c) reading d) is reading 12. Did you manage ... on time? to arrive b) arrive c) arriving d) arrived 13. We ... do the work by tomorrow. It's very important. can b) may c) must d) - 14. We ... a lot of yesterday. eat b) eats c) ate d) will eat 15. So far we ... much. didn't eat b) ate c) haven't eaten d) don't eat​

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Ответы на вопрос:

6) d 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c 11) c 12) a 13) c 14) c 15) c


Он  хорош и уже сделал три фантастических сейва. мяч у о'нилла. перед ним никого нет. немного  пояснений. сейв - это какой-то "спасательный"  маневр: отражение  снаряда, его захват или создание  препятствия  для  соперника. в зависимости  от того, какой это вид спорта, оечь  может идти  и не о мяче (а о снаряде в общем смысле).

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