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1. Does Scarlet like fish? No, 2. Can he play chess? Yes, 3. Is Mary from England? Yes, 4. Are you from Germany? No, 5. Have you got a car? Yes, 6. Can you play the piano? No, 7. Are the children in the garden? No, 8. Does Steven come from Ireland? Yes, 9. Is Mary tired? No, 10. Has Peter got a pet? No, 11. Are your brothers nice? Yes, 12. Do you work hard? Yes, 13. Can they visit me? No, 14. Is it cold outside? Yes, 15. Does it drink milk? No,​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)no,she doesn't

2)yes,he can

3)yes,she is

4)no,i'm not

5)yes,i have

6)no,i can't

7)no,they aren't

8)yes,he does

9)no,she isn't

10)no,he hasn't

11)yes,they are

12)yes,i do

13)no,they can't

14)yes,it is

15)no,it doesnt

the human`s doing his homework tomorrow.-парень будет делать своё дз завтра.

i'm thinking about starting my own production. я думаю начать собственное производство.(не уверенна)

mom wants to buy a greenhouse to grow vegetables in it in the winter.-мама хочет купить теплицу, чтобы выращивать в ней овощи зимой.

не поняла слово

i'll influence mom's decision about going to st. petersburg.-я буду влиять на решение мамы о поездке в санкт-петербург.

надеюсь .

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