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Переделать данный текст в время This year I spent most of my summer holidays in the city. On weekends, the whole family went to the dacha. In August, we went to the Black Sea. I really liked the sea. I swam and sunbathed. I've even seen dolphins. I had a lot of fun. I took a lot of and photos and made new friends.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

i'll take up dancing some time. (я займусь танцами когда-нибудь)

i'll be at home by 3 p.m. (ябуду дома к 3м часам дня)

he'll help me with my homework tomorrow. (он мне с моей завтра)

i won't buy him a present - he offenede me! (я не куплю ему подарок - он меня обидел! )

my sister won't go to the concert she allways wanted to go to - she is ill. (моя сестра не пойдет на концерт на который так хотела пойти т.к. она заболела)

i'm happy, because my mum won't go the the  parent meeting! (я так счастлив потому, что моя мама не идет на родительское собрание)

will you go clubbing tonight? (пойдешь сегодня в клуб)

won't like to watch a film tonight? (ты бы не хотел(а) посмотреть фильм сегодня)

will you go tho the park? (пойдешь в парк? )

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