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Captivated robust
portability and sturdiness
coat of arms
spires and rounded windows
2 a) 1152 Use words/phrases from Ex. 1 to complete the sentences. 1 The exterior of the building is making it look like a piece of cheese. 2 As they are mostly used by nomadic tribes in harsh weather conditions important are 3 Built at the island. this luxury resort is a perlect combination of design and construction. 4 This unfinished example of Gothic architecture. of a man-made is a lypical​

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We haven't got any milk left.

Any ставится в отрицаниях и во предложения.

Some ставится только в утверждениях.

Do you have any questions?

У вас есть во У меня нет денег в моем кошельке(если дословно)

Не дословно: мой кошелёк пуст.

I have some milk at home, we don't need to buy it for the cake.

У меня есть немного молока дома, нам не нужно покупать его для торта.

Популярно: Английский язык