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E. Read the situations and write Conditional Sentences Typel or 2. 1. If I'm ill, so I can't go to the concert tonight. I must take a painkiller. I don't 2. If want my headache to get worse. 3. If I've got a flat tyre, but I don't know how to change it, so I have to wait for the AA. 4. Unless I hope the swimming pool is clean. I won't swim if it isn't 5. I work long hours so it's impossible for me to take up a sport.

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  в гостях добре а в дома ще краще. в гостях почуваєшся не зручно: щось зламаєш , розіллєш і т. д. а вдома що хочеш те ,і робиш . спи до обіду лягай спати зранку тимбаче ненька кожного ранку зустрічає тебе, годує, одягає. і все життя промайнуло в рідній хаті…


in good and even better at home. a guest feel not comfortable: something break,   etc.. but at what you want and what you do. sleep sleep before lunch in hollywood timе lay down each morning   but mother greets you, feeds wears. and all my life flashed in his native house.


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