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Розповідь про пісню на англійській мові 6 клас
Пісня люба підкажіть будь ласка ​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

You can boogie like disco, love that disco sound

Turn up the volume and move it all around

But don't, don't, don't, don't, don't forget

Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't forget

The Stars on '45 keep on turning in your mind

Like "We Can Work it Out"

Remember "Twist and Shout"

You still don't "Tell Me Why" and "No Reply"


Вы можете играть в буги, как диско, любить этот диско-звук

Увеличьте громкость и переместите все вокруг

Но не надо, не надо, не надо, не надо, не забывай

Не надо, не надо, не надо, не надо, не забывай

Звезды на «45» продолжают размышлять

Как «Мы ??можем работать»

Помните «Твист и крик»

Вы по-прежнему не "Скажите мне, почему" и "Нет ответа"

Название песни: Haddaway - What Is Love?


uoh oh ..

(О-о ...)

What is love

(Що таке любов)

What is love

(Що таке любов)

What is love

(Що таке любов)

Baby do not hurt me

(Не чини мені біль, крихітко)

Do not hurt me

(Не чини мені біль)

no more

(Не треба)

Do not hurt me

(Не чини мені біль)

Do not hurt me

(Не чини мені біль)

I want no other

(Мені не потрібна інша)

No other love

(нічия любов)

This is your life

(Це твоє життя)

our time

(Наш час)

When we are together

(Коли ми разом)  

I need you forever

(Ти завжди мені потрібна)  

Is it love

(Це любов?)


everyone tells us, is changing and will change everything that we think, believe, expect, and do. It’s what used to be called a “world historical moment.” Yet the curious thing about this certainty is that it seems to sit comfortably with the reality that, to a first approximation, no one has actually changed any view about anything because of the pandemic. The sins that you think the plague is punishing are the sins you were preaching against before it began. If, like Bernie Sanders and his followers, you believed in the absolute importance of national health insurance, of “socialized medicine,” then looking at the mess of the American health system under extreme duress—even at the simple reality that many of our doctors are primarily small businessmen and our hospitals profit-seeking firms—you are more than ever convinced of the necessity of Medicare for All. But this truth, undeniable on its own terms, does run silently aground against the parallel truth that, despite excellent, public-spirited health-care systems, France and Italy have per-capita mortality rates worse than our own. Paris, where the system is quick and flexible and universal, is shut down even more tightly than New York.

On the other hand, if, like the distinguished historian Niall Ferguson, you accept the importance of escaping, Brexit style, from big transnational bureaucracies, such as the European Union, you find proof in the superiority of the small, flexible, responsive city-state model you have long preferred—although the skill with which, say, Singapore has actually evaded the plague seems to alter from week to week.

Популярно: Английский язык