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Complete the list of actions with the words given to make it a sequence of events. In the end, as soon as they arrived, to begin with, after that, suddenly. aya 7 kl mdz 1.png Иллюстрация / Иллюстратор Зотова Е. М. , Sally and Peter went travelling. They wanted to reach the opposite river bank. to the bridge, they saw that it was not as solid as they would like it to be. Peter went first. The bridge broke right after him. , children began to think about what to do.
they saw an enormous crocodile! It was swimming to Sally.
, the crocodile turned out to be friendly. It let Sally sit on its back and carried her across the river.​

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to capital - 863 years. date not round, therefore from magnificent celebrations have refused. however, the program of all equally was sated: traditional national гуляния, concerts. and for a holiday have dated opening a museum and a palace.they from tula, ulyanovsk, krasnodar, tyumen and yuzhno- but feel muscovites, therefore and congratulate capital from the bottom of the heart. 40 thousand students, having fun and being pleased, have passed today on streets of city which at once and for a long time became for them the family

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