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Написать 5 правил безопасного поведения на ЖД использую should и shoudn't английский СРОЧРО!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. You shouldn't cross the railway track in the wrong place

2. You should move to safe distance when the train approves

3. You shouldn't climb the carriage roof

4. You shouldn't stand on transition areas

5. You should take off your headphones when you cross railway tracks

One of the basic principles of modern life is to maintain normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflict. in turn, respect and consideration can be earned only if the courtesy and restraint. manners - way to keep yourself , the external form of behavior, treatment with other people , used in speech expression , tone , intonation, characteristic of human gait, gestures and even mimika.osti .    therefore, nothing can be appreciated people around us so much as the courtesy and delikatnost.no in life, we are often faced with rudeness , harshness , disrespect for the other person's personality . the reason is that we underestimate the culture of human behavior, his mannerisms .    manners - way to keep yourself , the external form of behavior, treatment with other people , used in speech expression , tone , intonation, characteristic of human gait, gestures and even facial expressions .     in society, good manners are considered human modesty and restraint , the ability to control their actions carefully and tactfully communicate with others . bad manners assumed habit to speak loudly , do not mince words , swagger gestures and behavior , carelessness in dress, rudeness, manifested in overt hostility towards others , in disregard of the interests of others , and requests to others shameless imposition of his will and desires, inability to contain his irritation of deliberately insulting the dignity of the people around them , in tact , profanity , derogatory nicknames used nicknames.

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