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How to Survive School! You know the feeling! You've already had four (1) Bl today and now it's two o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon, and you're really not (2) forward to the next one. It's the (3) hate. Perhaps it's maths, which you've never been very good (4) C4. Or perhaps it's French, and you're really not fond (5) Dylanguages. Whatever it is, here are a few simple tips that might make your life a little easier! • Don't suffer in silence! Tell your teachers how you feel and they'll find ways to help you (6) - any problems. • Look at your (7) to see which days of the week might make you feel depressed. If the subject you (8) — is on Wednesday, plan a trip to the cinema on Wednesday evening to cheer yourself up! • If you are beginning (9) — badly in a subject, think about doing some (10) . It'll be hard work, but you might like the subject a little more if you can understand the lessons! Good luck! 9​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. george fell from the ladders when he was painting the   ceiling.  2. last night i was reading a book when suddenly i heard a scream.   3. were you watching tv yesterday when i called you?   4. anya was waiting for me when  her father came .  5. i was driving in a car   not very fast when the crash happened.  6. i broke a plate last night. i was   washing   dishes when it slipped out of my hands. 7. tom took photo of me when i wasn't looking at him. 8. we didn't go to the party because it was raining. 9. what were   you doing   yesterday at this time?   10. i saw carol yesterday at a party, she was wearing   a very beautiful dress.

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