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1) Mark (water) the flowers at the moment. 2) Jill (brush) her teeth every day. 3) I (think) about moving to the country. 4) I can't find my keys, I think I (lose) them. 5) He (buy) a new car recently. 6) Bob and Tim (repair) their room since Friday. 7) You (work) all day long. You should rest. 8) The train (leave) at 6. 9) It (get) hotter and hotter. 10) I (know) Jane for 5 years.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

the most unteresting film is );

the tastiest drink (tea);

the most famous place is (the tower of london);

the hottest month is (july);

the prettiest girl is (the one in the middle);

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как я поняла, у вас просто затруднения с построением предложений.

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