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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello, how are you?

- Fine, thanks. And you?

- Great! My name is Lima.

- I am Emily. It’s nice to meet you.

- It’s nice to meet you, too.

- Are you from New York?

- Yes, I am. Where are you from?

- I am from here, from Bedford.

- Oh, great. Can we be friends?

- Sure.

- Привет, как дела?

- Хорошо ! А у тебя?

- Замечательно! Меня зовут Лима.

- Я – Эмили. Приятно c тобой познакомиться.

- Мне тоже приятно познакомиться.

- Ты из Нью-Йорка?

- Да. Ты откуда?

- Я отсюда, из Бэдфорда.

- О! Прекрасно. Можем ли мы быть друзьями?

- Конечно.

-Hi Alice!
-Hi Ben! I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?
-I’m fine. By the way, now I’m working for a big oil company. We are interested in finding new people. Do you want to try?
-Oh, it’s a good idea. When can I come?
-On Monday morning.
-Get in touch. Bye-bye.

-Привет, Элис!
-Привет, Бен! Я не видела тебя долгое время! Как ты?
-Я хорошо. Кстати, сейчас я работаю на большую нефтяную компанию. Мы заинтересованы в поиске новых людей. Хочешь попробовать?
- О, это хорошая идея. Когда я могу прийти?
- В понедельник утром.
-Будь на связи! Пока.

  think that the tv is one of the most harmful inventions.it is an integral part of the interior in every house! but even in hospitals there is a tv. but the influence of television on our bodies, especially after the advent of remote control, very negative. i think the cons is. advertising is a big minus commercials rummage exciting movies, interesting, and sometimes, it seems that short sections of a movie or tv show to interrupt the endless stream of advertising. sometimes i think, why not create a separate tv channel all the time would show one commercial. and all the other channels are not exempt from it. the second drawback, in my opinion, are the tv series that captivated all the airtime. soap operas are cons because they are all the same and do not teach anything new, just pouring water. on the other hand the advantages, that is advantages, include television news programme, through which people informed about the situation in the world and in their country. another advantage is the movies, and especially movies with deep meaning and good acting. such a film can in our lives to open their eyes and learn a lot. many people believe the tv is an integral part of our lives.because without it life is boring.

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