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Complete the sentences using the simple form of the past or past perfect tense. to the stadium, the performance, 1. By the time we, so we missed the first two songs. (GET, ALREADY START)
2. When we. in Spain the airport management told us that they our luggage. (ARRIVE, LOSE)
3. After I a large meal, I to feel sick. (HAVE, START)
4. The shoes were very clean because I, hours cleaning them. (SPEND)
5. It (NOT BE, BE) his first trip to India. He, there several times before.
6. My neighbour told me that she. a new car a month before. (BUY)
7. Yesterday I, months. (GO, NOT MEET) downtown to see Peter. I. him for
8. I Matrix for the first time yesterday. I it before. (SEE, NEVER SEE)
9. She him for very long when she to get married. (NOT KNOW, DECIDE) 10.When he ,the party was over. Everyone - (ARRIVE, ALREADY LEAVE)
11.I was happy after I. my first lesson as an instructor. (FINISH)
12.1 visited the hospital where the ambulance, my mother. (TAKE) home. (LEAVE,
13. Everyone COME) the house by the time I.
14. As soon as he. the old clock on the wall it again (REPAIR, BREAK)
15.1 a new car because my old one, (BUY, BE STEAL) 16. The teacher asked me why I, my homework. (NOT DO)

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Ответы на вопрос:

his is a book. it is my book. 2. is this your pencil? — no, it isn't my pencil, it is my sister's pencil. 3. i have a sister. my sister is an engineer. my sister's husband is a doctor. 4. i have no handbag. 5. she has got a headache. 6. have they got a car? — yes, they have. their car is very expensive but reliable. 7. have you got a calculator? — no, i haven't. 8. is this a watch? — no, it isn't a watch, it's a pen. 9. this pen is good, and that pen is bad. 10. i can see a pencil on your table, but i can see no paper. 11. give me a chair, please. 12, they have a dog and two cats. 13. i have a spoon in my plate, but i have no soup in it. 14. my friend says he is going to be a millionaire one day. 15. would you like an orange? 16. mr. smith is an artist, mrs. smith is a poetess.

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