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Ответы на вопрос:

There are two cyclists in the picture. They are next to the truck and transmit it. The truck passes very slowly around the bend. The motorcycle has approached them around the corner, but the two boys can't see it. One of the men on the motorcycle pointed at the plane. The plane will land soon. The motorcyclist did not drive carefully and there was an accident.


На снимке два велосипедиста. Они находятся рядом с грузовиком и передают это. Грузовик проезжает очень медленно за поворотом. Мотоцикл приблизился к ним за углом, но два мальчика не могут это видеть. Один из мужчин на мотоцикле указал на самолет. Самолет приземлится скоро. Мотоциклист ездил не осторожно и произошел несчастный случай.

1) they (were watching) tv when the lights (went) off. 2) they (did not see) me because they (were talk ing) to each other. 3) while the children (were sleep ing), their parents (were watch ing) tv. 4) it (started) to rain while she (was water ing) the flowers in her garden. 5) this time last week i (was ly ing) on the beach. 6) while he (was tak ing) a shower, his dogs (ate) his steaks. 7) when they (left) the museum, the sun (was shin ing). 8) we (were walk ing) in the mountains when we (heard) a piercing scream. 9) i (was hav ing) a beautiful dream when the alarm (went) off. 10) when the teacher (arrived) all the students stood up. 11) were you (play ing) a musical instrument when you (were) a kid ? 12) we (was go ing) down the road at 100 kph when the wheel (fell) off. 13) he (came) in, (took) off his coat and (sat) down. 14) yesterday i (spent) two hours cleaning my living room. 15) i (finished) work, (walked) to the beach, and (found) a nice place to swim.

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