Преобразуйте в косвенную речь , поставлю звездочки "i have enjoyed the match greatly" said Tony

Ben said to Dick, "Have you seen this film"

"We lived in this town two years" Jessie said

"Where were you yesterday, Betsy?" asked Ann

"I had bought all the things by 12 o'clock" said Mary

Mr. Brown said to his wife "Had the children come home before 8 o'clock"

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. +: i (/he, she, it, they) have/has v3/ed

-: i(/he she it the we) have not/ has not ved/3

? : have/has i/(you we he she it they) ved/3

3. present perfecr simple: already, just, , since, ever, never

present perfect cont.: for, how long, for 2 hours

Популярно: Английский язык