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City in b) Fill in the gaps with the correct article (a, an, the, 0) when necessary.
am from Winchester, Hampshire. Winchester is
United Kingdom. I live in
town called Taunton which is on
River Tone, I live in house in
quiet street in countryside. street is called "Hudson Street" and
house is more
than 100 years old! I am English lecturer at college near center of
town. I
like books, music and taking photographs. I usually have
lunch at college. I
usually go -- home by car. We have all kinds of food in England. I like
Polish food very much. Sometimes, I go to
Polish restaurant in Bath.
restaurant is called “Magda's".
Polish food is delicious.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1) Are they going not to stay at an expensive hotel?

They are not going to stay....и тд ...

2) Are we going  not to spend our honeymoon in Thailand

We are not going to spend....

3) Does the internet give you useful information?

The internet doesn't give you ....

4) Is not everyone going to  play games and dance ?

Not everyone is going to ...

5) Is anyone going to play games and dance?

Nobody is going to play games and dance

6) Is she not going to buy souvenirs for her family and friends ?

She is not going to buy.....

7) Are you going to spend your honeymoon in Thailand?

You are not going to spend....


Во предложения в конструкции to be going to ( собираться что либо сделать) строятся по схеме:

Глагол выносится на первое место (is либо are/ is для he she it. are  для they we you ), далее подлежащее/лицо, а затем глагол going to.

Are they going not to stay at an expensive hotel?

Отрицательные предложения строятся по схеме:

Подлежащее/лицо + глагол ( is либо are) + частица отрицания (not) + going to

They are not going to stay.......

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