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We both belong to a rock band. Paddy is the drummer.
Listen! He's playing the drums now. We're doing really
well these days - we're getting quite popular.
I come from Ireland and my wife's English - I think
Paddy's very proud to have some Irish blood in him!
I'm really proud of Patrick. He comes home to
visit us quite often. In fact, he's staying here at
the moment because it's the Christmas holidays. 5 специальных вопросов​

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I'd like to learn chinese or simmiliar hieroglyphic language. asian culture is very different than european and language isn't an exception. asian languages are very unusual to me, because 'glyphs look more like "drawings", rather than letters. despite the complexity of  languages like chinese, i think it will be interesting to study it, especially when comparing it with my native (или mother)  language. я хотела бы изучить китайский или подобный ему иероглифический язык. азиатская культура отличается от европейской и язык не исключение. азиатские языки необычны для меня, потому что иероглифы больше похожи на рисунки, чем на буквы. несмотря на сложность языков вроде китайского, я думаю, изучать его будет интересно, особенно сравнивая с моим родным языком. 

Популярно: Английский язык