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11.4.5 11.5.2 Choose the correct item. Non-Mendelian Genetics
Mendel's research was only the beginning. Scientists have
also discovered other ways in which 1) genes/gametes can
be inherited. One example is called incomplete
2) variance/dominance; this is when two 3) alleles/cells
produce a blended 4) trait/offspring (e.g. red + white = pink).
Another example is co-dominance when two or more
alleles are 5) dominant/recessive and can both be seen
(e.g. red + white = red + white). Finally, there are sex-linked
traits; these are 6) passed/inherited on from one
7) generation/offspring to the next, but are often only seen
in members of one sex.

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i've got a  grandmother. her name is irina. she is 70 years old. my grandma has got fair hair and blue eyes. she is very kind, thoughtful and smiling. my grandma cooks delicious food. i often visit her and we drink tea and can talk for hours. i love my grandmother very much!

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