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VIDEO 15-year-old Jack Stamford is running in the woods. Someone is chasing him. Suddenly, something hits him on his leg! Don't worry, he isn't badly hurt. It's only orange paint. That's because Jack Stamford is a paintballer! Every weekend, Jack travels to a large building, field or wood to take part in a game of paintball. He's part of a team and they try to beat members of the other team. Players take roles. One week he's a spy and the next he's a 'Tomb Raider adventurer. Games can last from two hours to two days! Paint Wars So how does a paintball hit him? "A lot," says Jack. "It's painful sometimes, but I don't mind because it's all part of the game! For me, paintballing is the best hobby of all." Составить 5 вопросов

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