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Choose the correct answer 1. Lorna is completely crazy her boyfriend.
a. a) about
b) from
2. She always when she's in New York.
a) goes for clubbing b) goes clubbing
c) goes on clubbing
3. Let's a bite to eat before we go.
a) grab
b) eat
c) give
4. Bruce spends most evenings the Net.
a) reading
b) looking
C) surfing
5. Watching talk shows has become a national in this country.
a) pastime
b) accident
c) game
6. Would you like to go to dinner, maybe catch ?
a. a) a cinema
b) a theatre
c) a film
7. Do you want to go
the school trip to France this year?
a. a) in
b) for
c) on
8. He was looking forward seeing the grandchildren again.
a. a) to
b) for
c) at

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. а
2. a
3. a
5. c
“I tried thanks”

1. a teacher works at school. he teaches students.

2.a  greengrocer works at   the greengrocer's. he sells  fruit and vegetables.

3.а postman works at the post office. he takes  letters to people's houses.

4. a waiter works in a cafe. he serves people.

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