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подобрать дефиниции на английском к словам: ground, shaking, freelance, dedicated, block, mystifies, sheltering, boulder, precaution​

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ground - the surface of the earth

shaking - to move backwards and forwards or up and down in quick, short movements, or to make something or someone do this

freelance - doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization

dedicated - believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it:

block  - the distance along a street from where one road crosses it to the place where the next road crosses it, or one part of a street like this, especially in a town or city

mystifies - to confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain

sheltering - (a building designed to give) protection from bad weather, danger, or attack

boulder - a very large rock

precaution​ - an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening


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Tbiahat - habitat cnextit - extinct ggearba - garbage rleecycd - recycled edollupt - polluted ronenmevint - enviornment 1) scientists say that one species of plant, animal or insect becomes extinct every day. 2) a lot of trash can be recycled. 3) what can we do to protect the enviornment? 4) every person produces about 650 tons of garbage during their lifetime. 5) the explosion polluted the town with dioxin.1) you may not use your mobile phone during the lesson, so will you switch it off, please! 2) can you hold your breath for more than a minute! 3) you should take your umbrella with you today. 4) he is terribly fat. he should not eat too much. 5) you mustn't make any noise here.2. b) greenhouse effect. 3. b) air pollution.4. a) poison. 5. b) ecology.

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