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1551– St Basil's / Pokrovsky Cathedral built in 1551-1561 after the vic-
built in
tory over the Kazan Kingdom; architects
- Barma and Postnik;
unusual architecture: eight churches placed around the tallest ninth
church; nine beautifully painted cupolas ['kju:pələz]; thick walls; could
be used as a fort.1
The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky built in 1818; the first stat-
ue put up in Moscow; the words on the monument: “To Citizen Minin
and Prince Pozharsky from a grateful? Russia". Minin and
Pozharsky were heroes of the people's struggle in the war against
Poland in 1612.
1 fort [fo:t] — форт, крепость
grateful l'grertfəl] — благодарный

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1.was            1.some            2.are              2.some            3.is                3.some            4.was            4.any 5.is                  5.any я в этом лох, если , то удачи

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