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3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives and adverbs. Add any other necessary words.
1 The weather tomorrow won't be
(cold) as today.
2 This is the
(good) pizza I've ever eaten.
3 Do you think this is
(difficult) than the other test?
4 This book's OK, but it isn't the
(interesting) one I've ever read.
5 She learns things
(easy) than I do.
6 I'm not very good at tennis, but I'm
(bad) as Janice!
7 Hurry up! Can't you walk (quick) than that?
8 Do you speak as (loud) your sister?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 The weather tomorrow won't be  colder as today.

2 This is the  best pizza I've ever eaten.

3 Do you think this is  more difficult  than the other test?

4 This book's OK, but it isn't the  most interesting one I've ever read.

5 She learns things  easier than I do.

6 I'm not very good at tennis, but I'm  worse as Janice!

7 Hurry up! Can't you walk quicker than that?

8 Do you speak as loud as your sister?


Если не сложно можешь сделать ответ лучшим :)

Если ты о пдд, то: -в левостороннее движение -на повороте нужно посмотреть на право и в правое зеркало заднего вида (в россии влево) -в россии в некоторых случаях можно поворачивать направо на красный свет. в поворачивать налево запрещено. -также в более информативная разметка на дороге.

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