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Правильно написано? my summer was pretty busy. I walked a lot, developed, played sports and was on trips. my first trip was to Sochi. there I spent a lot of time in the mountains. The second of the trips was in Abkhazia. There I enjoyed the local cuisine and nature. And during the summer I was often on hikes in Karelia and in the region. I also went to my grandmother's country house for two weeks. And I took a walk in Vyborg a couple of times. Summer passed quickly compared to the previous vacation, but I liked it.

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Проверка орфографии и грамматики  

Ошибок не обнаружено

В правописании всё правильно, только меня смущает слово Abkhazia, по моему мнению правильно писать Abchazia.

Ctemperature < < единственное слово. которое соединяется со словом high  fever - горячка  inflamation - воспаление

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