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надо вставить слова: rainbow, rainstorm, barometer, shower, wethermen, forestcast, to expect, daily, calm, a mist, misty, changeable, to look out for Unit 1. Ex.1 Complete the sentences using the words from ex.12,13 page 10.

1.The day was ... and bright. There was no wind.
2. It isn't easy to ... the weather.
3. The "News" is a TV programme.
4. We'll ... you for dinner on Saturday
5. Have you heard the weather ... today? 6. How many colours has the ... ?
7. Through the ... we saw the towers of an old town.
8. The weather is very ... in spring.
9. A very heavy rain is called a ...
10.How do people use the ... ? - It shows the air pressure and helps to forecast the weather.​

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(rainbow, rainstorm, barometer, shower, wethermen, forestcast, to expect, daily, calm, a mist, misty, changeable, to look out for) -

радуга, ливень, барометр, душ, водоросли, лесная погода, ожидать, ежедневно, штиль, туман, туманный, переменчивый, чтобы высматривать.


1.The day was epect and bright. There was no wind.

2. It isn't easy to the weather.

3. The "News" is a TV programme.

4. We'll dally you for dinner on Saturday

5. Have you heard the weather ... today? 6. How many colours has the ?

7. Through the to look out for we saw the towers of an old town.

8. The weather is very in spring.

9. A very heavy rain is called a rainstorm.

10.How do people use the barometer ? - It shows the air pressure and helps to forecast the weather.​

1) mr and mrs wilson got up early because the had a lot of things to do. 2) the grandfather bought a lot of bananas and sweet, red appels and some ice cream. (тут ведь даже прямым текстом так и написано : )) 3) the grandmother made a cake before she cooked a tasty dinner. 4) jason was six years old. 5) they came after the grandmother and the grandfather put on their best cloth. этот вопрос (5) задан грамматически неверно. немного поискав в интернете, я натолкнулся на тему, здесь же на сайте кто-то просил с расстановкой этих самых вопросов и там вопрос звучал так: how many people came to see the grandma and the grandpa? тогда будет совсем другой и более логичный ответ: three people came to see the grandma and the grandpa.

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