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2 10.5.2 Which famous scientist is related to: physics, astronomy, biology, computer science, chemistry?​

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Steven Weinberg-physics

Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei-astronomy

James Black, Linda Buck Born-biology

Larry Page-computer

Amedeo Avogadro, Jacob Berzelius-chemistry


Kazakhstan is a country that has always been famous for its hospitality and national oriental cuisine. Currently, the regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, various clubs is growing rapidly. The catering industry is in the process of development.
  The restaurant market of Kazakhstan is divided into several segments: gourmet restaurants (gourmet dishes), affordable full-service restaurants (ordinary restaurants) - up to 80% of the market; fast-food enterprises (fast-food restaurants), representative offices of the network, as well as Turkish surrogates of world brands without copyrights and original names; dining rooms and cafeterias (fast casual). The society has developed a strong tradition of eating at home.
  in Kazakhstan, catering and food courts are well developed in shopping centers, the share of which reaches up to $ 70 million a year. This type is universally recognized as the most cost-effective among others, since in business there is a likelihood of obtaining greater returns in less time. This type is universally recognized as the most cost-effective among others, since in business there is a likelihood of obtaining greater returns in less time.
  The model of consumer behavior based on public catering began to expand only in recent years. If the average American spends up to 1,500 thousand dollars a year for restaurants, a German - about 500 dollars., a Russian - up to 100 dollars., then a resident of Kazakhstan - about 25 dollars.

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