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Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в соответствующую форму одного из времëн.

1.I could hardly recognize my former classmate whom I_(not see) for about ten years.She_put on much weight and_(look) old for ages.
2.Nothing_(change) in the house since I_(leave) it.
3.He_(drive) for twelve hours before he felt really tired.
4.She_(enter) the room,_(come) up to the table and_(see) the note Tom_(leave) to her.
5.It_(get) dark.The villagevillage_(seem) uninhabited.
6.I_(see)tom who_(carry) a bucket of whitewash.
7.I knew she never_(be) diligent.
8.He woke up and saw that the electric lightlight_(burn) all night.
9.While she_(wash) up her sister_(water) the flowers.
10.Jane looked pale and exhausted.She_(suffer) from a splitting headache for two days.
11.By midnight all the guests_(leave).
12.I was shocked. He_(lie) to me all the time.​

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