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Complete the text of a webpage about Belarus​

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Three close friends went upp a mountain. peter(simon) james and john three closest disciples of jesus. probably jesus could trust only them, he could rely on them as well as teach them what he wouldnt have tought others. so one day he took them up a mountain. then clouds covered the top of it and it seemed that they suddenly have disappeared. sun light appeared above them and disciples could see how elija and moses were standing and soaring above the ground. it was incredible and unbelievable. their faces were shining, their clothes was white and clean.in the next moment they were blinded by shiniest of their respected and truly loved teacher . not just his face but all his body was shining and bringing some kind of peace and calmness on everyone, eberything was so pure and noble.then a loud voice spoke up from nowhere "this is my own dear son, listen to him"it was he- god. imagine what they felt at that moment, of course fear but also surprise and happiness . then jesus told them to keep this in secret and they followed him down the mountain.

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