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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words below. thin long curly lazy friendly naughty wrinkled gray tall funny. 1. One of my friends has straight hair, and another has wavy hair. But I have hair. 2. Sometimes my brother doesn't want to do any work. He can be very sometimes.
3. My classmate is very He loves to tell jokes at school.
4. I'm not short, I'm
5. I lost 10 kilograms. Now I'm
6. She has blonde hair. My cousin likes to meet new people and make lots of friends. He's very
8. Our young old son is very Last week he pulled our cat tail and it ran away!
9. My grandmother's face is quite but I still think she is beautiful!
10. My grandfather has a long beard.​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. was 2. weren't 3. was 4.were 5. were 6. had 7.had 8. did not have 9. did not have І взагалі, щоб зробити це завдання ви повинні були спочатку скинути текст. Бо звідки я можу знати правильно це чи ні. Там написано, що це завдяння можна зробити спираючись на текст, тому добавте його, ДЛЯ ПЕРЕВІРКИ!!!!


Популярно: Английский язык