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Преобразуйте в косвенную речь: 1) Jack said to me, «Why did you do that? » 2) Janetsaid, «Where are you going on Sunday, Kate? »3) A woman said, «How much does that magazine cost? » 4) Tom said to his wife, «What will you cook for supper? ” 5) Mother said to her daughter, «What time did the film finish?» 6) Chris said, .How long have you been working as a manager, Henry? »7) The policeman said to me, «What is your name? »8) The shop assistant said to the woman, «What size do you wear? » 9) The waiter said to us, «Have you already read the menu? »10) The boss said to his secretary, «Why are you late? » 11) The journalist said to an actor, .How many films have you starred in? » 12) A tourist said to the guide, «How many countries have you visited? ” 13) A girl said to a doctor, « Why do you like your job? » 14) Ron said, .How many foreign languages can you speak, Angela? » 15) Janet said, «Where will Olga wait for us, Victor? » 16) Roy said, .Whose umbrella did you take, Max? »17) Tina said to the workers, .When will you finish decorating the living room? »
18) A doctor said to Nick, .How did you hurt your leg?»

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Ответы на вопрос:

Это про посещения ресторана? нет?   если да, то переделаю. 1.where did you go? (куда вы пошли? ) i went to the hospital/ spain/ (я ходил в госпиталь/ испанию/ школу (выбрать нужное. я продолжу тему с больницей)) 2. how did you travel?   (как вы путешествовали? (т.е. как вы добрались до этого места и т.д.) ) i went there by car. (на машине) 3.what did you do? (что вы делали? ) i visited a  stomatologist. (посещал стоматолога) 4.what did you see? (что вы видели? ) i saw lots of  medical devices. (видел множество медицинских приборов) 5.what was the weather like? (какая была погодка? ) it was wet and cloudy. (было влажно и облачно) 6.what was the food like? (что там была за еда? ) there wasn't any food. after all, it's a hospital. (еды там не было. это же госпиталь)

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