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Complete the sentences with the correct present form. 1. A: Can I borrow your calculator?
B: Sorry, but I (still / use) it.
A: Ok, it (not matter). I’ll ask
for it to John.
2. See you in the morning. I (leave) in
a minute.
3. I (never / wear) a tie to work
and I (refuse) to start now!
4. If you drop it, it will explode! What
(you / do)?
5. You are a great cook! This cake
(taste) wonderfully.
6. Excuse me, but (this bus /
stop) outside the Post Office?
7. Henry (still / not find) a job.
8. I (drive)! You can sit in the back
with Martin.
9. How long (you / wait) for
the bus? You (look) really annoyed!
10. Ugh, don’t show me that picture! I
(can’t stand) spiders!
11. Joan (seldom / sit) next to Eve.
12. I’ve finished my exams so I (lie) on
the beach the rest of the summer.
13. Stop doing that! You (be) very silly
today, Paul!
14. It’s ages since I (not be) to an Indian
restaurant. (you / fancy) coming
today with me?
15. In winter, what (you / wear)?
16. Why (you / look) at me like
that? Have I done something wrong?
17. The coat (not fit) me. I need a
larger size.
18. Thanks for this great time. I
(have) a lovely evening.
19. This is an exam. Why (you / talk)?
20. I (not decide) about buying a
new bike yet. I (think) about it.
21. The dog (dig) all the morning
but it (not find) any bones yet.
22. Every Easter my granny (visit) us
and my mum and she (argue)
angrily all the time.
23. We (walk) the whole day.
Let’s have a rest.
24. How many books (she / edit) so far?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mr. smith's car - машина мистера смита. mr. stone's dog - собака мистера стоуна. the children's magazines - журналы детей. my daughter's notebook - блокнот моей дочери. mr. jonh's bed - кровать мистера джона. my husband's tie - галстук моего мужа. the teacher's room - комната учителя. my friend's sister - сестра моего друга. his brother's room - комната его брата. the student's textbooks - учебники студентов.

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