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b Put the verb in the right form. A What azd we doing tonight? (do) B We 1 dinner with Jack and Mary. (have) A But we 2 dinner with them last week! (have) B Yes, but they to tell us some good news. (want) A OH, OK then. 4 I some champagne? (buy) B It's 8 o'clock! Where 5 you ? (be) A l'm sorry. When 16 home I to buy the champagne. And then I Mark in the shop... (walk, stop, sce) B Well, hurry up. We 9 late! (be) A It's OK. / 10 a taxi and I'll be ready in five minutes. (already order) 7​

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Ответы на вопрос:

беспокоиться, напуган, взволнован, несчастен, скучен, озадачен, устал, стресс.

Популярно: Английский язык