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Complete the email with the
correct forms of the adjectives in basket

Hi Grace,

Thank goodness - our end of year tests
are finished! I'm (happy) than
I was this time last year. Geography
(easy) than before and
French was
(good) too. But
Technology was horrible. The paper
definitely wasn't as
(long) as
last year's but it was
Last year I was
(bad) in the
class! I don't want to be that bad again!
My friend Tina is
student in my class but I get
(high) marks than her for English! Last
night I was very stressed but now I'm
(relaxed). My friends and I
want to find
(noisy) club in
town and go dancing!

Katy x

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

happier, easier, better, long, more difficult, the worst, the best, higher, more relaxed, the noisiest






more difficult

the worst

the best


more relaxed

the most noisy

Will be forced out, should appear, have, are the most dangerous, will replace, will appear, will be forced out, are forced out

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