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D This is the opening part of a book. One unnecessary word has been crossed out already as an example. Find 21 more and cross them out. D Это начальная часть книги. Одно ненужное слово уже вычеркнуто в качестве примера. Найдите еще 21 и вычеркните их.​

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D This is the opening part of a book. One unnecessary word has been crossed out already as an exampl

At   last summer came! summer holidays! my family and i went  to the crimea to  yalta. i enjoyed myself there. i swam  in the sea, played beach volleyball. in the  evening we went to the embankment (или seafront).    i rode carousel and we also went to a very nice restaurant. i met my friends katya and natasha. we rode roller skates. i liked my summer holidays!  

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